Design Assistant FAQs and Support

Listed below are some frequently-asked questions that can help you get started with Design Assistant. Feel free to reach out directly to for support. How do I save and download an image I make on the app? When you're satisfied with your image's appearance on the canvas, click the "Save to Library" button in the header to render the image. This action will open up your Asset Library. Within the Asset Library, you can hover over your image's thumbnail and click the download icon to save the image to your desktop. This icon looks like a downward-facing arrow. Where can I pull stock photos? You can access royalty-free stock photography by clicking the Photos row on your toolbar, to the right of the screen on desktop, and below your viewport on mobile. Click the "Stock" menu toggle and enter keywords to pull new images from Unsplash. What types of font files can I upload to my brand library? We recommend using .woff files, but you can use .otf as well. How do I rotate an image? You can rotate any element on the canvas by clicking the element once placed on the canvas, and adjusting the "Rotate" bar within your Toolbar. You can click on individual numbers to lock the element at a fixed angle. I made a mistake. Can I go back? Yes! Click the undo and redo buttons at the bottom of your screen in your Canvas tools. You can step forward and back through history.